Roadshow Queensland Bound!

Healthy Heads is on the road, next stop Queensland!  

This month, Healthy Heads saw its Roadshow outreach program travelling through regional NSW, stopping in at Albury and Gundagai to meet with truck drivers at bp and Shell service stations.  

The Healthy Heads team, including newly appointed Projects Coordinator, Kayla O’Brien supplied mental health resources and the opportunity to stop for a chat, bringing awareness to Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds and what it has to offer for people working in road transport, warehousing, and logistics. 

Alongside the Roadshow, OzHelp Foundation’s Health in Gear delivered Truckie Tune Up health checks and other useful wellbeing resources.

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The Roadshow is now heading north to Queensland in time for the Australian Trucking Associations Trucking Australia conference, where we will be chatting about mental health and wellbeing and connecting people to important resources. If you are attending Trucking Australia, drop by and say hi! 

To stay up to date with Roadshow events, visit: