A lady with a brochure in an event and a group of colleagues around her

Mental Health Training

Training programs empower people to manage their own mental health and support the mental health of others that they work with. Delivering training is a proactive approach to supporting early intervention and the framework of prevention, protection, and support.

The training programs listed below have transport and supply chain specific imagery, language, and scenarios to make the training more relatable and effective for all workers in our sector.

There are courses to suit everyone – forkies to truck drivers, warehouse and distribution centre team members, supervisors and executives and include face to face and online options, varying in length from 110 minutes of self paced learning, to ½ day and two full day courses.

A training offer that’s sure to help.

Resourcing your workplace in mental health and wellbeing training can be challenging. Help is now at hand. We’re offering several mental health training courses at no cost to you.

Lifeline Australia

Mind Your Mates

Lifeline has collaborated with Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds to tailor Mind Your Mates training to support workers in transport, warehousing and logistics. This evidence informed training  uses Lifeline’s Recognise, Respond and Refer model.


Communicating About Mental Health and Suicide

The training provides an overview of the background evidence, key tips for safe communications and an introduction to managing conversations. Training sessions incorporate workshop activities and can be tailored to specific organisational needs for group bookings.

Lifeline Australia

Accidental Counsellor

Lifeline has collaborated with Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds to tailor Accidental Counsellor training to support workers in transport, warehousing and logistics. This evidence informed training includes transport specific scenarios and uses Lifeline’s Recognise, Respond and Refer model.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

In collaboration with Steering Healthy Minds (SHM) we are promoting Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training to the transport and logistics industries. Training is being offered for free via SHM in Western Australia. SHM are currently working to expand availability across other states.

AP Psychology & Consulting Services

Psychological Health and Safety Action Plan Workshop

AP Psychology & Consulting Services (APPCS) are delivering a workshop to help small businesses create a mental health and wellbeing action plan in alignment with the National Mental Health and Wellbeing Roadmap (the Roadmap).

Black Dog Institute

Managing for Team Wellbeing

In collaboration with Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds, BDI is offering mental health training for people leaders in the transport, warehousing, and logistics industry to build wellbeing leadership skills and show how you can support others (and yourself). The three-hour interactive workshop is delivered by a clinical psychologist who specialises in workplace mental health.

Lifeline Australia

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Road Transport, Warehousing & Logistics Sector

Lifeline Australia and Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds have collaborated to create this industry-specific eLearning course to help workers in the road transport, warehousing and logistics sectors to understand and manage their mental health and wellbeing.

Black Dog Institute

Your Mental Health at Work

In collaboration with Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds, BDI is offering mental health training for workers in the transport, warehousing, and logistics industry to help you manage your own mental health and show you how you can support others.