We’re on Instagram!

We are excited to announce that Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds has launched an official Instagram page!

This new platform will serve as a dynamic space for behind-the-scenes content, vital resources, inspiring stories of success, and industry-specific mental health tips. 

But why Instagram? Because social media is a powerful tool for connection and community building, and with Instagram’s visual storytelling capabilities, our aim is to engage with our audience in a more interactive way and find a whole new audience as well.

Follow us on Instagram (@healthyheadsaus) and become a part of our growing community’s latest platform.

To amplify our message, please share our posts, tag your friends, and show our page to anyone working in transport, warehousing, and logistics who may benefit from our resources.

It’s only by working together can we break the stigma surrounding mental health. 

See you on Instagram!